2025 course dates are up!

Wilderness & Remote First Aid and Recertification courses.

if you have a Group that can’t attend one of the dates listed or you want a course at your location please reach out and we’ll create a course just for you and your group.

March 28-31 Remote First Aid & RFA Recertification Full Friday night 5:30-9:30, Saturday & Sunday 8:00-5:30ish

April 4-6 WFA Recertification currently 2 spaces currently Available Friday night 5:30-9:30, Saturday & Sunday 8:00-5:30ish

April 11-13 RFA-WFA Bridge 9 spaces currently available Friday night 5:30-9:30, Saturday & Sunday 8:00-5:30ish

April 25-27 RFA FULL Friday night 5:00-9:00, Saturday & Sunday 8:00-5:30ish

May 2-4 RFA and RFA Recertification 6 spaces currently available Friday night 6-10, Saturday & Sunday 8:00-6ish Special course location includes accommodations and meals for only $455!

May 9-11 Remote First Aid & RFA Recertification 5 spaces currently available Friday night 5:30-9:30, Saturday & Sunday 8:00-5:30ish

May 30-June 1 WFA Recertification 10 spaces currently available Friday night 5:30-9:30, Saturday & Sunday 8:00-5:30ish

June 13-15 RFA & RFA Recertification 10 spaces currently available Friday night 5:30-9:30, Saturday & Sunday 8:00-5:30ish

June 20-22 RFA-WFA Bridge 11 spaces currently available Friday night 5:30-9:30, Saturday & Sunday 8:00-5:30ish

July 4-6 RFA & RFA Recertification 8 spaces currently available Friday night 5:30-9:30, Saturday & Sunday 8:00-5:30ish

If you want your own dates that aren’t listed, or have a course held your location, for your group to hold a course with scenarios tailored to your specific needs, please let me know!

Contact me now to reserve your spot!

First Aid for Opioid Poisoning Emergencies

I wanted to share the free First Aid for Opioid Poisoning Emergencies course that the Red Cross is offering online. It is a great tool to help reduce the stigma around Opioid Poisonings and to prepare someone to respond to an opioid poisoning emergency. Additionally, all participants get a free Naloxone kit post course!

course registration page

2023 course offerings

Howdy folks, here are the upcoming scheduled courses.

October27-29 RFA 7 Spaces Available
Friday 5:30-9:30, Saturday & Sunday 8:30-5:30

November17-19 RFA-WFA bridge 10 Spaces Available
Friday 5:30-9:30, Saturday & Sunday 8:30-5:30

January 13-14Fundamentals of Instruction – Maximum of 8 Minimum of 4 Step 2 of becoming an instructor Saturday & Sunday 8:30-5:30

Wilderness Discipline Specific Instructor training – Maximum of 8 Minimum of 4 Step 3 of becoming an Instructor Saturday & Sunday 8:30-5:30

If you want your own dates or locations for your group to hold a course with scenarios tailored to your specific needs please let me know!

Contact me now to reserve your spot!

The New Fall Course schedule!

November 4-6 RFA Full
Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday & Sunday 8:30-5:30ish

November 18-20 RFA-WFA Bridge 9 spaces available
Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday & Sunday 8:30-5:30ish

November 25-27 RFA in Drumheller area! 7 spaces available Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday & Sunday 8:30-5:30ish

December 2-4 RFA
Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday & Sunday 8:30-5:30ish

January 13-15 RFA FULL
Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday & Sunday 8:30-5:30ish

January 20-22 RFA-WFA Bridge
Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday & Sunday 8:30-5:30ish

New Course Dates! Be Prepared!

October 1-3 RFA Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday and Sunday 8:30-5:30

October 29-31 RFA-WFA Bridge Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday and Sunday 8:30-5:30

November 5-7 & 20-21 WFA-WFR Bridge

December 3-5 RFA Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday and Sunday 8:30-5:30

December 10-12 RFA-WFA Bridge Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday and Sunday 8:30-5:30

January 14-16 RFA
Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday and Sunday 8:30-5:30

January 21-23 RFA-WFA Bridge
Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday and Sunday 8:30-5:30

February 11-13 RFA
Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday and Sunday 8:30-5:30

February 25-27 RFA-WFA Bridge
Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday and Sunday 8:30-5:30

March 4-6 RFA
Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday and Sunday 8:30-5:30

March 11-13 RFA-WFA Bridge
Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday and Sunday 8:30-5:30

April 22-24 RFA
Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday and Sunday 8:30-5:30

April 29-May1 RFA-WFA Bridge
Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday and Sunday 8:30-5:30

If you want your own dates or locations for your group to hold a private course with scenarios tailored to your specific needs please let me know!

Contact me now to reserve your spot!

Changed! 2020 course schedule revised

As of now available dates for Remote First Aid or RFA to Wilderness First Aid bridge

14/15 RFA 7 spots available Possible Calgary classroom location!

Novembe 20-22 FULL Remote First Aid course is being held in High River 7-10 Fri, 8-6ish Saturday, 8-5ish Sunday


5/6 RFA to Wilderness First Aid bridge course 2 spots available is being held in High River 7-10 Fri, 8-6ish Saturday, 8-5ish Sunday

12/13 RFA 12 spots available

Upcoming Course dates

Uh  oh, Now what do you do?

With a Wilderness & Remote First Aid certification You’ll be Prepared for life’s little whoopsies!

Upcoming Wilderness & Remote First Aid  and WRFA to Advanced Wilderness & Remote First Aid Bridge Course Dates:

Fri 6pm-10pm, Saturday 8am-5pm, in the hall.
Sunday 8:30-4:30ish in the wilds.

July  6 – 7 only ten spots left!
July 13 – 15
July 20 – 22
July 27 –29
Bridge Course Includes CPR C & AED recertification