2025 course dates are up!

Wilderness & Remote First Aid and Recertification courses.

if you have a Group that can’t attend one of the dates listed or you want a course at your location please reach out and we’ll create a course just for you and your group.

March 28-31 Remote First Aid & RFA Recertification Full Friday night 5:30-9:30, Saturday & Sunday 8:00-5:30ish

April 4-6 WFA Recertification currently 3 spaces currently Available Friday night 5:30-9:30, Saturday & Sunday 8:00-5:30ish

April 11-13 RFA-WFA Bridge 9 spaces currently available Friday night 5:30-9:30, Saturday & Sunday 8:00-5:30ish

April 25-27 RFA FULL Friday night 5:00-9:00, Saturday & Sunday 8:00-5:30ish

May 2-4 RFA and RFA Recertification 6 spaces currently available Friday night 6-10, Saturday & Sunday 8:00-6ish Special course location includes accommodations and meals for only $455!

May 9-11 Remote First Aid & RFA Recertification 5 spaces currently available Friday night 5:30-9:30, Saturday & Sunday 8:00-5:30ish

May 30-June 1 WFA Recertification 10 spaces currently available Friday night 5:30-9:30, Saturday & Sunday 8:00-5:30ish

June 13-15 RFA & RFA Recertification 10 spaces currently available Friday night 5:30-9:30, Saturday & Sunday 8:00-5:30ish

June 20-22 RFA-WFA Bridge 11 spaces currently available Friday night 5:30-9:30, Saturday & Sunday 8:00-5:30ish

July 4-6 RFA & RFA Recertification 8 spaces currently available Friday night 5:30-9:30, Saturday & Sunday 8:00-5:30ish

If you want your own dates that aren’t listed, or have a course held your location, for your group to hold a course with scenarios tailored to your specific needs, please let me know!

Contact me now to reserve your spot!

First Aid for Opioid Poisoning Emergencies

I wanted to share the free First Aid for Opioid Poisoning Emergencies course that the Red Cross is offering online. It is a great tool to help reduce the stigma around Opioid Poisonings and to prepare someone to respond to an opioid poisoning emergency. Additionally, all participants get a free Naloxone kit post course!

course registration page

2023 course offerings

Howdy folks, here are the upcoming scheduled courses.

October27-29 RFA 7 Spaces Available
Friday 5:30-9:30, Saturday & Sunday 8:30-5:30

November17-19 RFA-WFA bridge 10 Spaces Available
Friday 5:30-9:30, Saturday & Sunday 8:30-5:30

January 13-14Fundamentals of Instruction – Maximum of 8 Minimum of 4 Step 2 of becoming an instructor Saturday & Sunday 8:30-5:30

Wilderness Discipline Specific Instructor training – Maximum of 8 Minimum of 4 Step 3 of becoming an Instructor Saturday & Sunday 8:30-5:30

If you want your own dates or locations for your group to hold a course with scenarios tailored to your specific needs please let me know!

Contact me now to reserve your spot!

The New Fall Course schedule!

November 4-6 RFA Full
Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday & Sunday 8:30-5:30ish

November 18-20 RFA-WFA Bridge 9 spaces available
Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday & Sunday 8:30-5:30ish

November 25-27 RFA in Drumheller area! 7 spaces available Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday & Sunday 8:30-5:30ish

December 2-4 RFA
Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday & Sunday 8:30-5:30ish

January 13-15 RFA FULL
Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday & Sunday 8:30-5:30ish

January 20-22 RFA-WFA Bridge
Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday & Sunday 8:30-5:30ish

Winter & Spring 2022 Course Dates

January 14-16 RFA
Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday and Sunday 8:30-5:30

January 21-23 RFA-WFA Bridge
Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday and Sunday 8:30-5:30

February 11-13 RFA FULL
Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday and Sunday 8:30-5:30

February 25-27 RFA-WFA Bridge 9 spots currently available!
Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday and Sunday 8:30-5:30

March 4-6 RFA FULL Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday and Sunday 8:30-5:30

March 25-27 RFA-WFA Bridge 10 spots available
Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday and Sunday 8:30-5:30

April 22-24 RFA
Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday and Sunday 8:30-5:30

April 29-May1 RFA-WFA Bridge FULL
Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday and Sunday 8:30-5:30

If you want your own dates or locations for your group to hold a private course with scenarios tailored to your specific needs please let me know!

Contact me now to reserve your spot!

New Course Dates! Be Prepared!

October 1-3 RFA Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday and Sunday 8:30-5:30

October 29-31 RFA-WFA Bridge Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday and Sunday 8:30-5:30

November 5-7 & 20-21 WFA-WFR Bridge

December 3-5 RFA Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday and Sunday 8:30-5:30

December 10-12 RFA-WFA Bridge Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday and Sunday 8:30-5:30

January 14-16 RFA
Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday and Sunday 8:30-5:30

January 21-23 RFA-WFA Bridge
Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday and Sunday 8:30-5:30

February 11-13 RFA
Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday and Sunday 8:30-5:30

February 25-27 RFA-WFA Bridge
Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday and Sunday 8:30-5:30

March 4-6 RFA
Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday and Sunday 8:30-5:30

March 11-13 RFA-WFA Bridge
Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday and Sunday 8:30-5:30

April 22-24 RFA
Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday and Sunday 8:30-5:30

April 29-May1 RFA-WFA Bridge
Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday and Sunday 8:30-5:30

If you want your own dates or locations for your group to hold a private course with scenarios tailored to your specific needs please let me know!

Contact me now to reserve your spot!

Now is the time to learn to save a life in the wild!

July 30/31/August 1 RFA to WFA bridge course Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday and Sunday 8:30-5:30

August 13/14/15 RFA Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday and Sunday 8:30-5:30

August 20/21/22 RFA Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday and Sunday 8:30-5:30

August 27/28/29 RFA To WFA bridge Friday night 5:30 to 9:30, Saturday and Sunday 8:30-5:30

If you want your own dates or locations for your group to hold a private course with scenarios tailored to your specific needs please let me know!

Contact me now to reserve your spot!