COVID – 19 Response

April 3, 2020

Howdy Folks,

James from OutThere First Aid here.

My Updated COVID-19 response as of April 3, 2020 

Howdy Folks,   I’ve just heard from the Canadian Red Cross regarding the Alberta government requirement for gatherings of less than 15 people that has attendees participating in activities that promote disease transmission,  like accident and injury simulation and rescue scenarios that would be occurring in the WRFA & AWRFA courses, and it means that I will be postponing the course you are registered in.  

If you require your certification for work please note that “The Canadian Red Cross is aware that in person course cancellations due to COVID-19 precautionary measures and closures and will have an impact on those requiring to maintain their certifications. Red Cross has worked with workplace health and safety regulators to offer support to those who have certifications that will expire in the next months.

All Red Cross first aid certifications (which would have expired March through June 30, 2020) will be considered valid 90-days beyond their expiry date.  These certifications will also be accepted for those taking recertification courses when in-person training resumes.”

This last communication was to cover to the end of April at this point in time.

If you have already paid for your course you will be able to join in any upcoming scheduled course, as soon as we are able to resume teaching, without incurring any transfer or administration surcharges.

If you have yet to pay there will be no increase in training fees for the remainder of this year.   That said I am hoping to book you into any of these course dates I have scheduled in May in the Turner Valley United Church basement where social distancing will be easy, and the wild area south west of Turner Valley seldom has visitors.

1-3 in Turner Valley 6 spots available

8-10 in Turner Valley 4 spots available

29-31 in Turner Valley 2 spots available

Let me know which date suits you and I will arrange your transfer.

Going forward I am already following the Canadian Red Cross strict guidelines for cleaning and disinfection for all teaching aids and materials, namely washing mannequin parts, masks, bandages, and blankets in bleach solution and sterilisation settings on the washing machine as appropriate.

Social distancing in the classrooms.

Individual pocket masks for each participant.

Everyone having there own mannequin where practical.

I have bleach wipes for disinfection of electronic devices between uses, hand sanitiser available at all times, examination gloves, as well as asking any participant who is ill to reschedule to another later class with no administration fee.

If you have any questions or concerns going forward please contact me directly at: